How many times a year do I have to brush your teeth?

The regular session of scaling that makes the dentist regularly helps to remove plaque and tartar above that is deposited on the teeth that is impossible to remove with the normal operations of oral hygiene at home. The rapidity with which the tartar builds up on teeth is variable and depends on a number of factors that are related to the frequency and quality of oral home care, nutrition, quality of saliva, the quality of the oral bacterial flora etc.. This determines the ‘inability to accurately determine the frequency of recalls of oral hygiene. Normally in the absence of particularly adverse conditions is sufficient to maintain a hygienic professional once every six months. These days you can even halve (every three months) in the presence of periodontitis, patients, treated surgically or with special health general or local. By contrast, in the presence of favorable conditions, with patients performing home care and have a good refractoriness accumulation of tartar times call can be dilated up to eight / twelve months.