When you need a root canal treatment (root canal)?

If the tooth is deeply cair, fractures or factors that damage the flesh came up, it can become much more sensitive to normal stimuli, or even to spontaneous pain. In this case, the pulp is inflamed. Inflammation of the pulp is called pulpitis.
The pulpit is an irreversible condition, which is necessary for root canal therapy. The initial state pulpitis may cause only a greater sensitivity of the tooth, and then evolve more or less rapidly, causing real pain. The acute pulpitis is characterized by severe pain sometimes so resistant to common painkillers. Following the acute phase may cause pulp necrosis (a term that indicates the degeneration and decay of biological tissues) and painless, although it may promote infection and consequently the formation of granulomas around the apex of the tooth.



In questi casi la terapia canalare è necessaria per evitare che la situazione evolva dando esiti più gravi come ascessi o cisti.